Companies owned by immigrants create more jobs than firms with owners who were born in Canada. A ten-year study, published on April 24, 2019, by Statistics Canada, distinguishes between firms owned by immigrants who have entered Canada since 1980, and businesses with owners born in Canada. During the study period, from 2003 to 2013, companies owned by immigrant entrepreneurs created a quarter of all new jobs in the private sector (although they made up only 17% of all firms). Firms owned by immigrants are more likely to be fast-growing firms than firms with owners born in Canada. Companies owned by immigrants were younger, and young businesses are always more dynamic in creating jobs. Immigrants also more often own business than the locals. About 5.8% of immigrants who were in Canada for 10-30 years, had a private joint-stock company with employees compared to 4.8% of Canadians. However, companies owned by immigrants tend to be smaller than those owned by people born in Canada.