Cannot find enough and specialized employees in Canada?
Canada’s economy is developing extremely fast. To compete in such a dynamic environment, the businesses look after the best people in the labour market. It is not always possible to hire a Canadian worker in the most demanded occupations. The reason is evident – a limited number of candidates and specialists.
Why don’t you hire a foreign worker?
The government of Canada grants eligible employers the right to find required workers abroad. Canada, as a land of immigrants, welcomes foreign nationals who can benefit our economy and help Canadian businesses grow! To bring a foreign worker to Canada, an employer must get a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment or LMIA.
The foreign worker will work for you for several years!
It is quite common to lose your employee if a competitor offers him/her a higher wage and there is no chance to avoid such situations. However, a foreign worker on an LMIA-based work permit can work solely for the employer specified on his Work Permit. Foreign workers require 1-2 years of Canadian work experience to immigrate to Canada; therefore, they will keep working for you during that period!
What is LMIA?
LMIA stands for Labour Market Impact Assessment and is a particular document issued by the Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), which allows Canadian employers to hire a foreigner. It sounds perfect, isn’t it? Unfortunately, as in any institution and bureaucracy, there are plenty of regulations, conditions and exceptions that the employer must come through to get a positive LMIA before even looking for an appropriate candidate from abroad.
How to get an LMIA?
Having proved their eligibility, the employers must provide evidence that they have attempted to find a qualified employee in Canada. Moreover, they must show they have advertised the position in a proper way and the long enough. All this headache is mandatory regardless if you have a matching candidate abroad or not yet.
Is there a Solution?
Yes! El Camino Immigration Services know well all new procedures, regulations, and are submitting dozens of successful LMIA applications every month! El Camino Recruitment Services is our licenced recruitment agency with whom we represent our Canadian clients regarding their labour force requirements inside Canada or abroad. In the case of the well-trained and hard Mexican workers, we have a business alliance with one of the few authorized recruitment agencies in Mexico: Canada Bound Recruitment Mexico. Thanks to them, in many cases, we already have candidates matching your job position, who in turn seek a pathway to Canada. This is a win-win situation for your business and for the foreign worker who wishes to immigrate!
Fill out LMIA evaluation form for employers
El Camino Immigration Services and Canada Bound Recruitment Mexico are committed professionals who will do all required procedures for you to fill the job positions with the foreign workers you need, in the most efficient and fast way possible!
In British Columbia, recruiters and employers are regulated under the Temporary Foreign Worker Protection Act to protect against unfair practices. Since the first day of the requirement, we comply with the Act under the licence number IS-0047771.
Please read the Employer Compliance