Parents and Grandparents Draw to be held in early 2021

In 2020, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) have returned to the lottery method in the Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP). The program opened for registration on October 13. Prospective sponsors could submit an Interest to Sponsor (IOS) form until November 3, 2020. It was expected that IRCC would randomly select the sponsors in the applicant pool and invite them to submit formal applications online during November or early December. Unfortunately, this never happened, and currently, IRCC intends to handle a lottery in early 2021, most likely in January or February. IRCC also noted that candidates to be assessed for their income in 2020, 2019, and 2018. The quota for this year is 10,000 applications. In October, IRCC voiced plans to invite 30,000 parents and grandparents in the next year. However, according to the 2021-2023 Immigration Levels Plan, released on October 30, the Federal government has allocated only 23,500 spots for the Parents and Grandparents Program.


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